Name: Peter. Graham05, Date : 12 April 2012 Experience with Peugeot RCZ 1.6thp: Great car: reliable, fast, a real head turner with the spoiler out, classy, someone once described it to me as a Batmobile I think that sums it up, love it love it, love it would like to see a convertible edition but they may have to loose the bubble back, front could be improved needs to be more radical, car looks better from behind.
Experience with Peugeot RCZ 1.6thp: Great car: reliable, fast, a real head turner with the spoiler out, classy, someone once described it to me as a Batmobile I think that sums it up, love it love it, love it would like to see a convertible edition but they may have to loose the bubble back, front could be improved needs to be more radical, car looks better from behind.